Irshadat Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri, Habib-ul-Rehman Raipuri, Teachigns, ارشادات شاہ عبد القادر رائے پوری, حبیب الرحمان رائے پوری, تعلیمات,

 Irshadat Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri, Habib-ul-Rehman Raipuri, Teachigns, ارشادات شاہ عبد القادر رائے پوری, حبیب الرحمان رائے پوری, تعلیمات,


Irshadat Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri, Habib-ul-Rehman Raipuri, Teachigns, ارشادات شاہ عبد القادر رائے پوری, حبیب الرحمان رائے پوری, تعلیمات,

After Asr prayer on Friday itself, we left for Raipur, a town twenty one miles from Saharanpur city at the foot of “Koh Shawalak” and the residence of Maulana Shah Abdul Qadir Mudzilla. The lorry starts from Saharanpur and halts at “Bahat”, a town 16 miles away. We covered the remaining six miles on foot.


In the town and on the way, we kept getting examples of the common modesty and respect of the Muslims. But we found a house with two corridors on it, and there was a group of "Talibeen" in the inner corridor, in the room where Shah Sahib was resting. We cannot forget the warm behavior you showed us newcomers. Maulana Naumani introduced both of us, I presented my book "Sirat Syed Ahmad Shaheed" which I said very lovingly.


Hazrat Shah Sahib Mudzilla is a famous Shaykh and Murshid of this region, who has a wide circle of followers, but we are unknown (except for one honorable friend, Maulana Nomani, who, by the grace of God, is well-known in these religious and scholarly circles, rather, this wide and Rambarak is a member family of the scholarly and religious community) The love and character you met with the travelers amazed us and drew a map of the Prophet's ethics.


We fell asleep late at night, at the time of dawn, all the rooms and rooms nearby began to echo with the remembrance of Allah. What was this meeting like "Garden in Spring"? The attendees were ignorant of the world and its affairs and were all ears.



اس کتاب ارشادات شاہ عبد القادر رائے پوری (Irshadat Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri) کی میزبان محفوظ شدہ دستاویزات کی تنظیم ہے جہاں سے مندرجہ ذیل کڑیاں ملائی گئی ہیں اور اس کتاب کو اجازت نامہ CC0 1.0 Universal کے تحت تقسیم کرنے کا مکمل اختیار ہے۔ لائسنس کے کسی مسئلے یا معلومات کی صورت میں متعلقہ میزبان تنظیم سے رابطہ کر سکتے ہیں۔


نام کتاب، Book Name

Irshadat Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri

 ارشادات شاہ عبد القادر رائے پوری

مصنف، Author

Habib-ul-Rehman Raipuri

حبیب الرحمان رائے پوری



صفحات، Pages


حجم، Size

21.2 MB

ناشر(ان)، Publisher(s)


مطبع، Printers




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# Irshadat Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri

# Habib-ul-Rehman Raipuri

# ارشادات شاہ عبد القادر رائے پوری

# حبیب الرحمان رائے پوری


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