Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa, Abul Hassan Shareefullah, Biography, امام اعظم ابو حنیفہ, عبد الحسن شریف اللہ, سیرت,

 Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa, Abul Hassan Shareefullah, Biography, امام اعظم ابو حنیفہ, عبد الحسن شریف اللہ, سیرت,

Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa, Abul Hassan Shareefullah, Biography, امام اعظم ابو حنیفہ, عبد الحسن شریف اللہ, سیرت,


The biggest tragedy for Mughal Emperor Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar was that he had no children till the age of 27. In the year 1564, two twin sons, Hasan and Hussain, were born to him, but they could only live for a month.


Akbar vowed at the dargah of his most devoted saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti that if a son was born to him, he would walk from Agra to Ajmer to attend his dargah.

Al-Akhir Khuda listened to him and his courtiers informed him that on a hill near Agra there lived a disciple of Moinuddin Chishti and Pir Salim Chishti, who could fulfill your wishes.


Parvati Sharma has written a book on Jahangir 'An Intimate Portrait of a Great Mughal Jahangir'. She says: 'There was nothing in the world that Akbar did not have. Only there were no children. He started coming to Salim Chishti on this hope. One day Akbar directly asked him, how many sons will I have? He replied, God will give you three sons. And so it happened. But Salim born from Chishti's prayer later became the cause of his death.'



اس کتاب امام اعظم ابو حنیفہ (Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa) کی میزبان محفوظ شدہ دستاویزات کی تنظیم ہے جہاں سے مندرجہ ذیل کڑیاں ملائی گئی ہیں اور اس کتاب کو اجازت نامہ CC0 1.0 Universal کے تحت تقسیم کرنے کا مکمل اختیار ہے۔ لائسنس کے کسی مسئلے یا معلومات کی صورت میں متعلقہ میزبان تنظیم سے رابطہ کر سکتے ہیں۔


نام کتاب، Book Name

Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa

 امام اعظم ابو حنیفہ

مصنف، Author

Abul Hassan Shareefullah

عبد الحسن شریف اللہ



صفحات، Pages


حجم، Size

4.6 MB

ناشر(ان)، Publisher(s)


مطبع، Printers




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# Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa

# Abul Hassan Shareefullah

# امام اعظم ابو حنیفہ

# عبد الحسن شریف اللہ


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