Hikayat-e-Mehr-o-Wafa, Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini, Biography, حکایت مہر و وفا, سید نفیس الحسینی, سیرت,

 Hikayat-e-Mehr-o-Wafa, Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini, Biography, حکایت مہر و وفا, سید نفیس الحسینی, سیرت,


Hikayat-e-Mehr-o-Wafa, Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini, Biography, حکایت مہر و وفا, سید نفیس الحسینی, سیرت,

"Hikayat" is an Arabic word meaning: tale, story; His collection of "narratives" comes, human life is full of human nature, man always wants to be together with each other and tells his story to others and gives peace to his nature by listening to other's story. When a third party is spoken to, it takes the form of narration.


Narratives become more useful after they are written down, and if they are exaggerating and adding supernatural elements, they are remembered as "tales".


Although the narratives are often unrealistic. Scholars know that the word "narrative" was authentically used for the first time in the Urdu language by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah in his Kuliat.


That is to say, if the story has decency, every charm and excellence of language, then it starts to be considered as "narrative literature".


The scope of stories transcends the boundaries of religion and language, books of almost every religion are full of stories, Urdu, Hindi, Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian have stories in every language.


Among the Islamic books of stories, Qasas al-Awaliya, Rawdat al-Riyaheen, Tazkir al-Awaliya, Hakayat al-Saliheen and Hakayat-e-Sahaba have a prominent position.





اس کتاب حکایت مہر و وفا (Hikayat-e-Mehr-o-Wafa) کی میزبان محفوظ شدہ دستاویزات کی تنظیم  arvhive.org ہے جہاں سے مندرجہ ذیل کڑیاں ملائی گئی ہیں اور اس کتاب کو اجازت نامہ CC0 1.0 Universal کے تحت تقسیم کرنے کا مکمل اختیار ہے۔ لائسنس کے کسی مسئلے یا معلومات کی صورت میں متعلقہ میزبان تنظیم سے رابطہ کر سکتے ہیں۔


نام کتاب، Book Name


 حکایت مہر و وفا

مصنف، Author

Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini

سید نفیس الحسینی



صفحات، Pages


حجم، Size

5.6 MB

ناشر(ان)، Publisher(s)


مطبع، Printers




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# Hikayat-e-Mehr-o-Wafa

# Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini

# حکایت مہر و وفا

# سید نفیس الحسینی

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