Adamkhor Ka Taaqub, Tariq Ismail Sagar, Novel, آدم خور کا تعاقب, طارق اسماعیل ساگر, ناول,

 Adamkhor Ka Taaqub, Tariq Ismail Sagar, Novel, آدم خور کا تعاقب, طارق اسماعیل ساگر, ناول,


The night had passed. The forest was rustling outside. Occasionally, from far away, the faint sounds of a lion's roar or the incessant chirping of monkeys could be heard. Every now and then I would turn to my husband who had suddenly left me alone in the forest and gone to Nairobi. From there he has not reported anything yet. Lost in these thoughts, suddenly, the voices of local women were heard shouting loudly. Their banter made it seem as if witches were crying in the forest. I cringed in terror and my hand went helplessly towards the rifle which I always kept by my head. Their screams sounded like witches crying in the forest. I cringed in terror and my hand went helplessly towards the rifle which I always kept under my pillow.


Meanwhile the servant came. I had turned up the light of the oil lamp. Servant was a native of India and we called him Karmu. I saw that he was trembling and no sound was coming out of his mouth. With great difficulty he could only say that a little while ago a large beast had taken away the young girl of Shukinaga, who was in charge of the game department. The girl tried hard to free herself from the beast's jaws but was unsuccessful. By chance, he got in his hands the inner bamboo of the hut which was planted to support the roof. The girl got entangled with the bamboo and the beast got scared. However, on the way, he cut the girl in half, now her body bathed in blood is lying in the open field of the village.


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