Tuhfa-e-Nafees, Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini, Hadith, تحفہ نفیس, سید نفیس الحسینی, حدیث,

 Tuhfa-e-Nafees, Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini, Hadith, تحفہ نفیس, سید نفیس الحسینی, حدیث,

Tuhfa-e-Nafees, Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini, Hadith, تحفہ نفیس, سید نفیس الحسینی, حدیث,

Whoever conveys forty hadiths related to religion to my Ummah, Allah will make him one of the scholars and I will be his intercessor.


Before narrating the hadiths of the Prophet from Russia to the people, you should listen to a reliable religious scholar and understand the correct meaning and interpretation of these hadiths and do not make any omissions or excesses while narrating the hadiths, lest you By attributing wrong things to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and calling it an example of the destruction of goodness and the necessity of sin, the issue of hadith is very delicate.


And it is narrated from (Sayyidna) Abu Al-Darda (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked:


What is the limit of knowledge on which a person becomes a jurist?


So the Messenger of Allah () said:

" Whoever memorizes forty hadiths in religious matters for my ummah, Allah will make him a jurist (i.e. raise him as a jurist on the Day of Resurrection) and I will be his intercessor and witness on the Day of Resurrection."


Imam Nawi's Forty ("Forty Hadith", Arabic: العربعين النابويه) is a collection of forty hadiths by Imam Nawi. Most of which are Sahih Muslim and Sahih Al-Bukhari. This collection of hadith has been especially valued over the centuries. Because he is one of the most eminent and respected authorities of Islamic jurisprudence.


اس کتاب تحفہ نفیس (Tuhfa-e-Nafees) کی میزبان محفوظ شدہ دستاویزات کی تنظیم  arvhive.org ہے جہاں سے مندرجہ ذیل کڑیاں ملائی گئی ہیں اور اس کتاب کو اجازت نامہ Public Domain Mark 1.0 کے تحت تقسیم کرنے کا مکمل اختیار ہے۔ لائسنس کے کسی مسئلے یا معلومات کی صورت میں متعلقہ میزبان تنظیم سے رابطہ کر سکتے ہیں۔


نام کتاب، Book Name


تحفہ نفیس

مصنف، Author

Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini

سید نفیس الحسینی



صفحات، Pages


حجم، Size

 1.50 MB

ناشر(ان)، Publisher(s)


مطبع، Printers




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# Tuhfa-e-Nafees

# Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini

# تحفہ نفیس ا

# سید نفیس الحسینیظفر اللہ شفیق 

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