Black Water, Tariq Ismail Sagar, Espionage, طارق اسماعیل ساگر, جاسوسی, بلیک واٹر,

 Black Water, Tariq Ismail Sagar, Espionage, طارق اسماعیل ساگر, جاسوسی, بلیک واٹر,

When Black Water turned to Pakistan after Iraq, the independent and vigilant journalists of Pakistan broke the mysterious silence of the government and raised the slogan "Right" and informed the Pakistanis about the heinous activities of Black Water. The prominent name among the journalists who raised this slogan is Tariq Ismail Sagar, who holds a special place in Pakistan and abroad for his courage. His writings especially regarding South Asia are considered authentic.

His writings are read with special attention regarding the Indian intelligence agency RAW and its supporting agencies active for Indian supremacy in South Asia. In this very important book, the author has written not only Blackwater but also explain Swat, FATA and Balochistan when, why and how foreign intervention started. What are the interests and ambitions of America, Israel and India in this region?

What are RAW, Mossad, CIA and other intelligence agencies doing in Pakistan? What are their targets? What are the sinister intentions of those who have a soft corner for these anti-Pakistani powers in the Pakistani bureaucracy? What operations have CIA and RAW done and are still doing against separate and united Pakistan since the establishment of Pakistan? What has been the role of CIA, RAW, Mossad and other anti-Pakistan intelligence agencies in bringing Pakistan to the present situation?

How, when, who and why fueled the sentiments of religious extremism? Who is the religious Rasputin? Who straightened his aloha after inciting the extremely patriotic and Islam-loving people of Pakistan with the help of foreign agencies and clashing with the government? What is the origin of those who fuel the fire of terrorism in Pakistan? Why do domestic and foreign personalities, institutions, agencies, media repeatedly attack the ISI? The eminent author has answered all these questions in this famous book "Black Water" which will open the eyes of the whole nation.

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