Qutb-e-Swat Abdul Ghafoor, Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini, Biography, قطب سوات عبد الغفور, سید نفیس الحسینی, سیرت,
Qutb-e-Swat Abdul Ghafoor, Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini, Biography, قطب سوات عبد الغفور, سید نفیس الحسینی, سیرت,
Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Akhund Qadri aka Hazrat Swat and Sayyid Baba Swat, Imam
Mujahideen, Shaykh-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin is famous in the state of Swat but
also in the entire Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a religiously high figure who also
played a key role in laying the foundation of the modern state of Swat. Hazrat
Akhund Sahib Swat's real name was Abdul Ghafoor and father's name was Abdul
Waheed. Your lineage is closely related to the tribe of Mohmands. He was born
in 1794 AH corresponding to 1209 AH in Mauza Jabri of Shamize area (Swat).
The famous
scholar and scholar of Peshawar, Hafiz Muhammad Azeem, attended the well-known
Bahganjwale and became a murid in the Qadiriya chain and received permission
and caliphate from the Murshid. He reached the service of Shaykh al-Mashaikh
Sahibzada Muhammad Shoaib Sahib, a resident of Tordheri, pledged allegiance to
the Qadiriya method, and engaged in riyaz and mujahidat. Spent a long time in
the forests of Kabul River and Swat River in asceticism and worship. After
completing the lessons of the Qadiriya family, they reached the presence of
their mentor and mentor. So Sahibzada Sahib authorized you as a mazoon and
sahib in each of the four chained areas namely Qadiria, Naqshbandia, Chishtia
and Suhrawardia.
You have
published this series of Mubaraka a lot. A family of Qadriya Chishtiyya
Naqshbandiyya became famous until this chain was named after you. Now his chain
had spread not only to Frontier Province, but also to Kabul, Herat, Ghazni,
India and Arabia, and everywhere his caliphs were busy preaching and publishing
the Sunnah of the Prophet.
He changed from
the Jihad movement and visited Swat and after a great struggle, he was
appointed as the sheikh of this Islamic state. All matters were decided
according to the Islamic constitution.
اس کتاب قطب سوات عبد الغفور (Qutb-e-Swat
Abdul Ghafoor) کی میزبان محفوظ شدہ دستاویزات
تنظیم arvhive.org
ہے جہاں سے مندرجہ ذیل کڑیاں ملائی گئی ہیں اور اس کتاب کو اجازت نامہ CC0 1.0 Universal
کے تحت تقسیم
کرنے کا مکمل اختیار ہے۔ لائسنس کے کسی مسئلے یا معلومات کی صورت میں متعلقہ
میزبان تنظیم سے رابطہ کر سکتے ہیں۔
نام کتاب، Book Name |
Qutb-e-Swat Abdul Ghafoor قطب سوات عبد الغفور |
مصنف، Author |
Syed Nafees-ul-Hussaini سید نفیس الحسینی |
صفحات، Pages |
61 |
Size |
3.9 MB |
ناشر(ان)، Publisher(s) |
مطبع، Printers |
# Qasim-ul-Uloom
wal Khairat
Abdul Ghafoor
# قطب سوات
عبد الغفور
# سید نفیس
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